La flor Silvestre de Dios

¿Alguna vez siente insignificante? ¿Se Compara con los otros y se queda corto? ¿Trata bastante de mejorar pero es tan difícil sobresalir? Y entonces… Tomo las oraciones inspiradas del salmista; Sigo los ritmos de los antiguos maestros de oración. En la soledad con mi Señor oro a través de los Salmos y camino en sus…

Solitude and Silence

In our Soul Shepherding ministry to pastors, leaders, and other servants of the Lord we put high priority on practicing solitude and silence. Each day of our TLC certificate program in “Spiritual Formation and Soul Care Ministry” features extended solitude and silence, balanced with times of learning and sharing in community. (See “TLC Retreats for Pastors…


Have you ever practiced the discipline of secrecy? You may not have thought of this as a discipline. The discipline of secrecy, as Jesus taught and modeled it, is intentionally hiding your prayers or good deeds to please only your Father in heaven, “who is in secret”; it’s the practice of denying ourselves the attention…