Jesus Set Boundaries

We talk with pastors, leaders, counselors, parents and other care-givers who are struggling to be “cheerful givers” (2 Corinthians 9:7). In their helping of others they’ve become tired, stressed, or burned out. Problems with setting boundaries are a main reason why many pastors and leaders experience overwhelming ministry stress and eventually burnout. Most people are…

La Psicoterapia fue un regalo de la gracia para mí

Como nuevo padre, líder del ministerio joven, y recientemente graduado como psicólogo estaba haciendo mi mejor esfuerzo para servir a Cristo, pero tenia problemas con la ansiedad y la depresión. Dios me llevó a pasar de la silla del psicoterapeuta para el diván del cliente. Busqué ayuda en mi propia psicoterapia. Los líderes de ministerios…

God Image Questionnaire

I developed the God Image Questionnaire (GIQ) based on my Ph.D. dissertation in 1989. Since then I have revised some of the wording based on my clinical observations of helping many people in therapy and spiritual direction. The GIQ is meant to help you better understand your personal knowledge or experience of God. In other words, we’re trying to…